Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Barbara Schober

Universitaetsstrasse 7 (NIG)

1010 Vienna, Austria

T: +43-1-4277-47422

E: barbara.schober[at]univie.ac.at

Academic Milestones and relevant positions held

Education/Academic degrees

2007: Postdoctoral lecture qualification at the University of Vienna, Austria (Venia Legendi for Psychology)
2001: PhD, Psychology, Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU), Munich, Germany
1997: Diploma Degree in Psychology, Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg, Germany

Academic career and positions held

since 2016: Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna
2015: Guest researcher at the National Implementation Research Network (NIRN), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
since 2011: Full Professor of Psychological Research on Education and Transfer at the Department of Applied Psychology: Work, Education, Economy, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna 
since 2006: Co-Chair of the Faculty research area “Psychology of Lifelong Learning” 
2007-2011: Associate Professor in the area of Educational Psychology and Evaluation at the Department of Economic Psychology, Educational Psychology and Evaluation; Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna
2001-2007: Contracted Assistant in the research group Educational Psychology and Evaluation of the Faculty for Psychology, University of Vienna
1996-2001: PhD-Student in the DFG Research Group “Knowledge and action” (at the Chair for Psychological Diagnostics and Evaluation, Institute for Educational Psychology and Empirical Psychology at the LMU Munich)
1994-1996: Medical technical Assistant for Psychology at the Psychiatric Clinic of the LMU Munich

Selected positions

  • Vice President of the Austrian Society for Psychology (2020-)
  • Member of the Austrian national Quality Assurance Council for Pedagogical Education (2020-) 
  • Member of the official advisory board of the Austrian Minister for Health on “Psychosocial issues and COVID19” (2021-)
  • Official member and coordinator of the section “education” of the Future Operations Platform (2020-) of the Austrian government to cope with mid-/long term consequences of COVID 19

Main areas of research

Modelling and measurement of competencies for self-regulation and lifelong learning; Motivation, wellbeing and learning in school; Parameters for successful competence-oriented and evidence-based teaching; Development and evaluation of intervention programs; Gender differences in educational contexts and in careers; Implementation research

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