Esteem Factors
- Activities and memberships in scientific societies and boards
- Activities and memberships in advisory and evaluation boards
- Peer review activities for journals
- Peer review activities for scientific society
- Activities in the context of scientific conferences, Workshops, congresses and PhD-Commitees and appointment procedures
- Engagement in University Policy and leadership/management activities
- Visibility as expert in education policy and sociopolitical contexts
- Participation in invited panel discussions
- Examples for other interface activities to promote transfer of research to society
- Collaboration Partners
Activities and memberships in scientific societies and boards
- Vice President of the Austrian Society for Psychology (2020-)
- National Representative Österreichs in der EFPA (European Federation of Psychological Associations), (2020-)
- Board member of the UPV (Austrian University Professors' Association), (in upv Vienna, since 2020; in UPV Austria since 2021)
- Member of the Quality Assurance Council for Pedagogical Education (2020-)
- Member of the Future Operations Board (2020-)
- Founding Member of the Austrian network “Bildungsarchitektinnen”
- Member of the "American Educational Research Association (AERA)"
- Invited Member of the Austrian national Working Group “Bildung und Ausbildung” [“Education and Training”] of the Austrian Research Association (Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft, ÖFG, 2008-2016)
- Member of the “European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction” (EARLI)
- Member of the “German Psychological Society” [“Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie”] (DGPs)
- Member of the expert group "Methods and Evaluation” [“Methoden und Evaluation”] German Psychological Society (DGPs)
- Member of the expert group " Pedagogical Psychology“ [“Pädagogische Psychologie”] German Psychological Society (DGPs)
- Member of the “Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung” [“Society for Empirical Educational Research”] (GEBF)
- Member of the senate of the University of Vienna
- Member of the Executive Board of the "Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychologie (ÖGP)" [Austrian Society of Psychology] (2014 – 2016)
- National representative for Austria in the EFPA (European Federation of Psychological Associations, 2014-2016
- Invited Austrian representative at the “Inaugural Invited European-American Summit on the Psychology of Talent Development” of the APA in Washington, D.C. (April, 2016)
Activities and memberships in advisory and evaluation boards
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the EU-Project "PCR-PanParticipation of Children concerning children's Rights during Pandemics", within the framework of the EU-Call CERV-2021-ChildCitizens (since 2022)
- Member of the Evaluation Board for the "Evaluation of the Center for Digitization and Technology Research of the German Armed Forces (" (December 2022-February 2023)
- Member of the Technical Committee of the Supreme Medical Council "Psychosocial Advisory Staff of the Minister of Health" (since 2021),
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of "MINT vernetzt", a nationwide umbrella initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research for extracurricular STEM education (since 2021)
- Member and Coordinator of the Education Section of the Covid-19 Future Operatipons Platform (FUOP), (since 2020);; an interdisciplinary panel of experts that develops recommendations for the government on how to deal with the pandemic (see A-I 193-199)
- Member of the National Quality Assurance Council for Educator Education (since 2020), which is set up by the BMBWF and anchored in law. The task of this committee is above all the "external quality assurance in the sense of a quality- and needs-oriented, scientific accompaniment of the development of teacher training studies"
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the BMBWF for the "Pedagogy Package" as part of the Austrian Government Programme (specifically: introduction of competence grids, new curricula and implementation of compulsory education) (since 2020)
- Member of the International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP; see A-I 132 and; this group unites researchers worldwide with one goal: to develop politically independent and interdisciplinary solutions for the most urgent challenges of our time based on research
- Member of the Evaluation Board of the Educational Ministry for the international study program “MINT-Lehramt PLUS” (Universität Bayreuth, 2019).
- Member of the EU Children's Rights Advisory Board (KMB) - Project Group 4: "Socialisation in Family, Preschool and School", commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Families and Youth (since 2013)
- Member of the international Scientific Advisory Board of the “Master of Science in vocational education” at the IFPP in Switzerland (since 2011)
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the EFS-project “CyberMentor” (since 2009)
- Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of "Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training" (since 2008)
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the ”German Society for gifted children” [“Deutsche Gesellschaft für das hochbegabte Kind”] (DGHK) - see
Peer review activities for journals
- Paper reviewer for “Diagnostica”
- Paper reviewer for "Educational Research Review"
- Paper reviewer for "Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training"
- Paper reviewer for "European Journal of Developmental Psychology"
- Paper reviewer for “Sex Roles”
- Paper reviewer for “High Ability Studies”
- Paper reviewer for “Teacher Education”
- Paper reviewer for "Journal of Economic Psychology"
- Paper reviewer for “Journal for Educational Research Online”
- Paper reviewer for „Learning and Instruction“ (Journal of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, EARLI)
- Paper reviewer for “Plos One”
- Paper reviewer for “Psychology Learning and Teaching”
- Paper reviewer for "Psychology Science"
- Paper reviewer for "Talent Development and Excellence"
- Paper reviewer for „Unterrichtswissenschaften“
- Paper reviewer for “Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie“ [“Journal of Developmental and Pedagogical Psychology”]
- Paper reviewer for “Zeitschrift für Evaluation, Reaching and Teacher Education”
- Paper reviewer for “Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie“ [“Journal of Pedagogical Psychology”]
Peer review activities for scientific society
- Reviewer for individual project proposals and Research Training Groups for the German Research Foundation, DFG (2020 and 2021)
- Invitation to review for Anniversary Fund of the Austrian National Bank (ÖNB, 2016)
- Reviewer for “Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft” (DFG)
- Reviewer for congresses and research awards of renowned professional societies, e.B. DGPS, EARLI, GEBF, AERA
Activities in the context of scientific conferences, Workshops, congresses and PhD-Commitees and appointment procedures
Jury Member in the category “Opportunity-Fairness” of Megabildungsstiftung (2021).
Scientific organization of the Symposium on „Kinderrechte im Bildungsraum: propagiert –realisiert?“ (October, 2016) at the University of Vienna as member of the children’s rights monitoring board (KMB; of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Families and Youth.
Scientific organization of the Workshop "Realität und Vision” [“Reality and vision”] (May, 2016) in the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna as member of the ARGE „Bildung und Ausbildung“ of the Austrian Research Association (ÖFG).
Scientific organization of the Workshop "Bildungsgerechtigkeit: ein erfüllbarer Anspruch?“ [“Educational justice: a realizable goal”] (June, 2015) in the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna as member of the ARGE „Bildung und Ausbildung“ of the Austrian Research Association (ÖFG).
Scientific organization of the Workshop „Bildung im Alter: Luxus oder Notwendigkeit?” [“Education in higher ages: Luxury or necessity”] (June, 2014) in the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna as member of the ARGE „Bildung und Ausbildung“ of the Austrian Research Association (ÖFG).
Scientific organization of the Workshop „Individuelle und institutionelle Übergänge im Bildungssystem – Lost in Transition?” [“Individual and institutional transitions in the educational system”] (May, 2013) in the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna as member of the ARGE „Bildung und Ausbildung“ of the Austrian Research Association (ÖFG).
Scientific organization of the Workshop „Zum Umgang mit Vielfalt im Bildungswesen” [“Constructive handling of diversity in educational systems”] (May, 2012) in the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna as member of the ARGE „Bildung und Ausbildung“ of the Austrian Research Association (ÖFG).
Scientific organization of the Workshop „Professionalisierung der/durch LehrerInnenbildung” [“Professionalisation of teacher education”] (May, 2011) in the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna as member of the ARGE „Bildung und Ausbildung“ of the Austrian Research Association (ÖFG).
Reviews for congresses of the ÖGP [Austrian Society of Psychology] (e.g. Salzburg, 2011, Innsbruck, 2016) or the EARLI congress (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction); e.g. the EARLI−Conference in Munich (August, 2013), the “Motivation” − Special Interest Group (SIG) − Conference of the EARLI in Frankfurt (2012)
External PhD-reviewer for the Philosophische Fakultät of the University Rostock (2013)
External PhD-reviewer for the Promotionskommission (PK) der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät zu den Curricula für die Doktoratsstudien an der NW-Fakultät der Paris Lodron-Universität Salzburg (2013)
External expert report for the comparative evaluation within appointment procedures for the University of Augsburg (2016) and the University of Konstanz (2014)
Engagement in University Policy and leadership/management activities
- Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Vienna (since October 2016)
- Chair resp. Member of two appointment committees at the Faculty of Psychology (2014 -2016) and of two selection panels for temporary professorships (2016)
- Vice Director of Studies at the Faculty of Psychology (2014-2016)
- Member of the Senate of the University of Vienna (2013-2016) and member of special working groups of the Senate (e.g. for developing new guidelines for deciding on emeritation requests)
- Chair resp. Member of four habilitation committees at the Faculty of Psychology (2012-2015)
- Member of a Faculty working group to develop performance criteria for evaluations and achievement related incentives in Psychology (2011)
- Member of the official working group for changing the curriculum for PhD-studies in Social Sciences at the University of Vienna (2011)
- Member of the Austrian Association of University Professors (UPV) (since 2005)
Visibility as expert in education policy and sociopolitical contexts
- Invited Austrian representative der „Inaugural Invited European-American Summit on the Psychology of Talent Development” der APA in Washington, D.C., (April, 2016)
- Invited author for the “Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2019” [National Educational Report Austria, 2019], published by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education and the BIFIE – Bundesinstitut für Bildungsforschung, Innovation & Entwicklung des österr. Schulwesens [National Institute for Research on Education, Innovation & Development in the Austrian school system].
- Invited author for the “Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2012” [National Educational Report Austria, 2012], published by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education and the BIFIE – Bundesinstitut für Bildungsforschung, Innovation & Entwicklung des österr. Schulwesens [National Institute for Research on Education, Innovation & Development in the Austrian school system].
- Accompanying expert supervisor in the process of optimization of the evaluation of the Austrian wide implementation of standardized school leaving exam (Zentralmatura) (2012, hired by the BIFIE).
- Member of the working group “Education and Training” of the Austrian Research Association (ÖFG, 2008-2016); in this function participation and organization of international symposia and development of recommendations for educational policy on topics like „Implementation of national educational standards“, „Autonomy and responsibility: Recommendations for successful governance processes in schools and higher education institutions”, “Professionalization of and through teacher education” (http://www.Ö
Participation in invited panel discussions
Panel discussion at the Science Talk: “Die Krise der Geisteswissenschaften” [“The crisis of the humanities”] (06.06.2019). Discussants: Bernhard Keppler (Chairman of the association of the professors of university), Sylvia Kritzinger (Institute of Politics), Barbara Schober (Dean of the Faculty of Psychology), Thomas Prügl (church historian).
Panel discussion at the Societal Impact Plattform der Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften [“Faculty for Social Sciences”] (26.01.2018) at the University of Vienna. Discussants: Ulrike Felt (Dean of the Faculty for Social Sciences), Barbara Schober (Dean of the Faculty of Psychology), Shalina Randeria (President of the Institute for Human Sciences), Ursula Brustmann (Department Head at the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research), Folker Hanusch (Prof. of Journalism at the Institute of Communication).
Panel discussion at the Science Talk: „Wissenschaft zwischen Freiheit und Verantwortung“ [“Science between freedom responsibility”] (29.01.2018). Discussants: Heinz Faßmann (Minister for Education, Science and Research), Angela Kallhoff (Institute of Philosophy), Sabine Ladstätter (Austrian Archaeological Institute), Barbara Schober (Faculty of Psychology).
Chairing a panel discussion on „European challenges for teaching Psychology in research and practice“ at the 12th Conference of the Austrian Society of Psychology (ÖGP) at the University of Innsbruck (31.03.2016). Discussants: Annette Schröder (Vice president of the DGPs), Anton Laireiter (Board member of the ÖGP), Christiane Spiel (former president of the ÖGP), M. Hildegard Walter (Prof. for Clinical Psychology), Jakob Gomm (student representative).
Panel discussion on “The future of Psychology in Austria” at 11th Conference of the Austrian Society of Psychology (ÖGP) at the University of Vienna (am 24.06.2014). Discussants: Andrea Abele Brehm (President of the DGPs), Katharina Gangl (Young researcher), Christian Korunka (Prof. for Organizational Psychology), Anton Laireiter (Board member of the ÖGP), Claus Lamm (Prof. for Biological Psychology), Josef Perner (Prof. for General Psychology), Barbara Schober (Board member of the ÖGP), Andreas Schwerdtfeger (Director of Study programs, Univ. of Graz).
Panel discussion on „MINT – Promotion of girls and women from kindergarten up to leading positions: Perspectives from research, science and economy“ at the University of Regensburg (28.02.2014). Discussants: Christiane Kuntz−Mayr (Vice chair of the works council, SAP AG), Barabara Schober (University of Vienna), Hannes Schwaderer (Executive director, Intel GmbH), Ekkehard Winter (Executive director, Deutsche Telekom Stiftung).
Panel discussion at the congress „CyberMentor: Successful E−Mentoring for girls in MINT“ (28.01.2012) at the University of Regensburg. Discussants: Dr. Michael Gorriz (Chief Information Officer, Daimler AG), Hannes Schwaderer (Executive director, Intel GmbH), Dr. Ekkehard Winter (Executive director, Deutsche Telekom Stiftung), Christiane Kuntz−Mayr (Executive director, SAP AG), Barbara Schober (University of Vienna, member of the Scientific Board), Birgitta König−Ries (University of Jena).
Examples for other interface activities to promote transfer of research to society
- Co-editor of the "Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology" (since 2021). IF: 1.528. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Invited guest editors, e.B. Strohmeier, D., Wagner, P., & Schober, B. (Eds.). (2016). Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice of Use-Oriented Basic Research. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 13(6)
- Invited author for the National Education Report Austria 2012 and 2019, published by the Federal Ministry of Education and iqS on the topics "Implementation of reforms in the field of education"and "Quality development in schools: specific competences of employees and school management"
- Member of the EU-Children’s rights Monitoring−Board (KMB) – “Project group 4: Socialization in family, preschool and school”, commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Families and Youth (since 2013); (see and
- Invited expert within two counseling Workshops at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education to optimize the competence criteria within the reform of the Teacher education in Austria (2012).
- Member of an expert group of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education to develop a module system on „Gender competence“ for the reform of the teacher education in Austria (2011-2013).
- Board member of the association “ECE (Evaluation – Cooperation – Education)", see; goals of ECE: Promoting scientific research, cooperation of Universities and other institutions, education and further education in the field of Bildung, Training and Evaluation [“Education, Training and Evaluation”] and supporting the transfer from research to society. (since 2001)
Collaboration Partners
Laura Brandt (Columbia University), Markus Dresel (Universität Augsburg), Dean Fixsen (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), Silke Hertel (Universität Heidelberg), Katariina Salmela-Aaro (University of Helsinki), Bernhard Schmitz (Universität Darmstadt), Peter K. Smith (Goldsmith College London), Rens van der Schoot (Utrecht University), Anja Schultze-Krumbholz (Technische Universität Berlin), Heidrun Stöger (Universität Regensburg), Sebastian Wachs (University Potsdam, Department of Educational Studies), Michele Wright (Penn State Child Study Care Center), Yuichi Toda (University of Osaka), Albert Ziegler (Universität Ulm), Olga Zlatkin-Troischanskaia (Johannes Gutenberg Universität)
Julia Bock-Schappelwein (Wifo, Wien), Marius Busemeyer (Vergleichende Politische Ökonomie, Uni Konstanz), Gili S. Drori (Soziologie, Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Ursula Holtgrewe (ZSI, Wien), Sylvia Kritzinger (Politikwissenschaften, Universität Wien), Stefanie Lindstaedt (Informatik, TU Graz), Torsten Möller (Informatik, Universität Wien), Viktoria Pammer-Schindler (TU Graz), Manfred Prenzel (Universität Wien, Schulforschung), Simon Schwartzman (Soziologie, Academia Brasileira de Ciências, Brasilien), Mario Steiner (IHS), Michael Wagner (Mikrobiologie, Universität Wien)